LMMC Monthly Meeting
May 14, 2018
Jimmy called the meeting to order at the track @7:30PM. The April LMMC meeting minutes were read and stood as read. An April Board synopsis was read.
Treasurers report was read and report stood as read.
Correspondence: A Thank Yo to the Club from Ron Adams and a report that he is doing better but still has some health concerns. Jim Wilson also thanked the Club for their thoughts after his recent back surgery.
Officials reported progress.
Class Reps: Ron brought up concerns about the new 4-wheeler operators, they need some training involving hooking up cars after accidents and connecting too hard during push offs. Chris will be asked to talk to them.
Old Business: It was asked again how the funds designated to the MAF will be handled after it reaches its cap and because it’s a variable fund, be refunded if needed or has a loss? It was answered that Rich Fox was currently working on a written overview of the plan.
New Business: DMI is a new sponsor and is very excited to sponsor kids’ fun day events. They have dove in with both feet to make it a success. They were concerned about the possibility of events getting rained out and if it would be rescheduled? It will be discussed at board meeting on Wednesday. Also noted at the time was the quarter midgets are putting on an exhibition, they will get 1 driver and 1 handler into the pit area, free of charge.
It was asked if the club is planning on any sort of rain date so weather would not be a concern. It was answered that yes but it’s currently only in the pencil sketch stage.
With no further business Jimmy entertained a motion to adjourn from Kim and seconded by Neil. The motion passed at 7:46 PM.
Cheryl Brown, Secretary