2024 EVO Fuel Injection Winged 600 Point Standings


2024 EVO Fuel Injection Winged 600 Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Jason Swavely (4)#
Bradley Brown (3)
Billy Logeman (2)*
Holden Eckman (2)
Brent Shearer
Chris Gerhart
Cody West
Chris Panzcner

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial


2024 Border Magic 270 Point Standings


2024 Border Magic 270 Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Chris Dolan (2)
Jason Swavely (2)*
Toby Blumenshine (2)*
Alex Swift (2)
Brandon Heist (2)*
Mike Skias (2)
Richie Hartman*
Bret Cronrath
Billy Logeman
Mike Boyer#
Nick Skias

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial


2024 Hyper Racing Wingless 600 Point Standings


2024 Hyper Racing Wingless 600 Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Gunnar Pio (4)*
Christian Bruno (3)**
Marty Brian (2)
Dominic Schmidt (2)#
Kyle Lick*
Connor Gross
Steven Snyder Jr.
Alex Ruppert*
Dylan Kontra

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial



2024 Points Distribution

Feature Points (all classes):

1st - 100
2nd - 95
3rd - 90
4th - 85
5th - 80
6th - 76
7th - 72
8th - 68
9th - 64
10th - 60
11th - 57
12th - 54
13th - 51
14th - 48
15th - 45
16th - 42
17th - 40
18th - 38
19th - 36
20th - 34
21st - 32
22nd - 30
23rd - 28
24th - 26

If 24 cars attempt to start a feature, any driver that did not attempt to start or did not qualify for the feature and attempted to race that night (including practice) will get 20 points

If an alternate is used, the alternate will receive non-qualifier points. The originally qualified car will receive last place points.

If less than 24 cars attempt to start a feature, any driver that does not attempt to start the feature, but attempted to race that night (including practice), will get 5 points less than the driver that was awarded last place points in that night’s feature. For example, if 15 cars start a feature, any driver that does not attempt will get 40 points (15th place get 45 points – 5 points).  

No Heat or Consolation Points will be awarded.


2023 Hyper Racing Wingless 600 Point Standings


2023 Hyper Racing Wingless 600 Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Christian Bruno (3)*
Mason Beinhower (2)#
Marty Brian (2)
Bradley Brown
Reese Nowotarski
Ryan Groff
Steven Snyder Jr.
Gunnar Pio
Brian Carber
Jason Swavely
Dylan Kontra
Kyle Lick

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial


2023 Hyper Racing Winged 600 Point Standings


2023 Hyper Racing Winged 600 Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Jason Swavely (5)#
Christian Bruno (3)
Steven Snyder Jr
Zach Light
Cody West
Brent Ely
Anthony Yerger
Brian Kramer

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial


2023 125/4 Stroke Point Standings


2023 125/4 Stroke Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Chris Dolan (6)#
Matt Fernsler (3)
Justin Harrington (3)
John Maurer
Mike Coen

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial


2023 270 Point Standings


2023 270 Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Jason Swavely (7)*
Alex Swift (2)#
Billy Logeman (2)
Kyle Lindsey
Anthony Yerger
Mike Skias
Alex Lukacs

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial



2023 Points Distribution

Feature Points (all classes):

1st - 100
2nd - 95
3rd - 90
4th - 85
5th - 80
6th - 76
7th - 72
8th - 68
9th - 64
10th - 60
11th - 57
12th - 54
13th - 51
14th - 48
15th - 45
16th - 42
17th - 40
18th - 38
19th - 36
20th - 34
21st - 32
22nd - 30
23rd - 28
24th - 26

If 24 cars attempt to start a feature, any driver that did not attempt to start or did not qualify for the feature and attempted to race that night (including practice) will get 20 points

If an alternate is used, the alternate will receive non-qualifier points. The originally qualified car will receive last place points.

If less than 24 cars attempt to start a feature, any driver that does not attempt to start the feature, but attempted to race that night (including practice), will get 5 points less than the driver that was awarded last place points in that night’s feature. For example, if 15 cars start a feature, any driver that does not attempt will get 40 points (15th place get 45 points – 5 points).  

No Heat or Consolation Points will be awarded.


2022 Hyper Racing Winged 600 Point Standings


2022 Hyper Racing Winged 600 Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Jason Swavely (6)#
Steven Snyder Jr (2)
Bradley Brown
Chris Gerhart
Brent Ely
Kyle Spence
Jesse Maurer
Christian Bruno*

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial


2022 125/4 Stroke Point Standings


2022 125/4 Stroke Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Chris Dolan (6)#**
Chase Layser (4)*
Billy Logeman (3)
Noah Martin
Mike Miller
John Maurer
Michael Hoffmaster*
Mike Coen

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial


2022 270 Point Standings


2022 270 Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Jason Swavely (6)**
Mike Rutherford (3)*
Pete Skias (3)*
Mike Skias (2)#
Brian Sholley (2)*
Bradley Brown (2)
Mike Miller
Nick Skias

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial


2022 Hyper Racing Wingless 600 Point Standings


2022 Hyper Racing Wingless 600 Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Steven Snyder Jr (5)*
Bradley Brown (5)#
Bobby Butler* (2)
Ryan Groff
Mason Beinhower
Alex Ruppert
Matthew Donley
Kyle Spence*
Brian Carber*

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial



2022 Points Distribution

Feature Points (all classes):

1st - 100
2nd - 95
3rd - 90
4th - 85
5th - 80
6th - 76
7th - 72
8th - 68
9th - 64
10th - 60
11th - 57
12th - 54
13th - 51
14th - 48
15th - 45
16th - 42
17th - 40
18th - 38
19th - 36
20th - 34
21st - 32
22nd - 30
23rd - 28
24th - 26

If 24 cars attempt to start a feature, any driver that did not attempt to start or did not qualify for the feature and attempted to race that night (including practice) will get 20 points

If an alternate is used, the alternate will receive non-qualifier points. The originally qualified car will receive last place points.

If less than 24 cars attempt to start a feature, any driver that does not attempt to start the feature, but attempted to race that night (including practice), will get 5 points less than the driver that was awarded last place points in that night’s feature. For example, if 15 cars start a feature, any driver that does not attempt will get 40 points (15th place get 45 points – 5 points).  

No Heat or Consolation Points will be awarded for the .270, Hyper Racing Winged 600 or Hyper Racing Wingless 600 classes.

Heat Points (Skeet Craft Collision Sportsman and 125/4 Stroke):

1st - 23
2nd - 21
3rd - 19
4th - 17
5th - 15
6th - 13
7th - 11
8th - 9
9th - 8
10th - 7
11th - 6

Only cars qualifying to the feature earn heat points.

Consi Points (Skeet Craft Collision Sportsman and 125/4 Stroke):

1st - 8
2nd - 7
3rd - 6
4th - 5
5th - 4
6th - 3

Only cars qualifying to the feature earn consi points.


2021 Hyper Racing 600 Point Standings


2021 Hyper Racing 600 Point Standings

Feature Winners:

TJ Greve (5)*
Nick Skias (4)*
Jason Swavely (3)*
Heath Hehnly (2)
Steven Snyder Jr (2)**
Daison Pursley (2)**
Ryan Groff
Jesse Maurer#
Zach Light
Preston Lattomus
Mike Rutherford
Christian Bruno

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial


2021 Skeet Craft Collision Sportsman Point Standings


2021 Skeet Craft Collision Sportsman Point Standings

Feature Winners:

Bret Cronrath (7)**
Toby Blumenshine (6)#
Brandon Heist*
Jamie Flickinger
Anthony Yerger
Corey Schmuck Jr
Dave Williams
Clinton Hauser

* Open Show
# Clyde Martin Memorial
