LMMC Monthly Meeting
April 9, 2018
Jimmy called the meeting to order at the track @7:30. Minutes of the March LMMC meeting were read and stood as read. A March board meeting synopsis was given.
Treasurers report as of March 31, 2018 was given. It was asked why the MAF account had a reduction from past months totals, it was answered that the marker had a loss and effected the account. It was asked how that will be accounted for after the cap is in place on the MAF fund, it was not answered.
Correspondence: Don Rothfuss had passed away, he was 96 and a lifetime member. He was also the oldest rookie to start at Lanco at 48. Jan Spence had also has some health concerns.
Membership asked for patience with the 7th being canceled. It will be very busy on the 14th.
No other committees or representatives had any issues to discuss.
Old business: The scales have been services and recalibrated.
New Business: Mike Rutherford has some old VHS tapes he is transferring, they are assorted tapes from 1999 – 2009. He offered them to the club for archiving if wanted.
With no further business, Jimmy entertained a motion to adjourn from Ron and seconded by Roger. The motion passed at 7:46PM.
Cheryl Brown, Secretary