LMMC Monthly Meeting
June 11, 2018
Jimmy called the meeting to order at the track @7:30PM. The May meeting minutes were read and stood as read. An May Board synopsis was read.
Treasurers report was read and report stood as read.
Correspondence: None
Committee Reports: Tech, Class reps, membership all reported progress. Officials report they had made an error regarding Billy Logeman and he will be apologized to. Dawn will be talked to about her response to the situation. The officials realize they need to make adjustments to situations. Doug Michael is willing to be here more often. Everyone is putting in an effort to make things better.
Old Business: It was asked if Bonnie had changed her mind about leaving. It was answered no.
New Business: There were questions and concerns about consistency, drivers being able to switch cars, or start in less than full field events. In our rule book it allows for substitute drivers, they may re-register the car and enter in the rear of a qualifying event.
The discussion turned to jump starts and ways to prevent them, from allowing no passing until the start line, to no passing on the inside until the start line, to moving the start line somewhere else. The discussion was varied and lengthy. Officials will ask at a driver’s meeting if the club wants a policy change or not. Also suggested to increase car counts were guaranteed purses.
It was asked why the make-up features were adjusted again, it was answered that the club doesn’t want to penalize drivers who may be planning to attend another event.
With no further business, Jim entertained a motion to adjourn from Vern and a second from Kim. The motion passed at 8:37 PM.
Cheryl Brown, Secretary